Your Research, Data and
Insights Partner.
Common Goal Research Center (CGR) is a pioneering research and consulting organisation dedicated to driving sustainable development and innovation in regions we operate in.
Our collaborative research efforts aim to generate actionable insights and solutions that contribute to the long-term growth and prosperity of the vulnerable communities we serve.
Common Goal Research Center (CGR) was born from the realisation that collaborative efforts among individual consultants could better address the overwhelming demand for high-quality research and innovations worldwide.
Discover the CGR Difference.
Conduct Rigorous Research
We focus on delivering cutting-edge research across various sectors to tackle complex challenges. For example, our study on plastic recycling attitudes among small retail shops in Nairobi aimed to enhance sustainable waste management and improve environmental practices.
Building Partnerships:
We collaborate with leading academic institutions, NGOs, government agencies, and private sector organisations, including the University of Nairobi, Makerere University, and The World Bank, to maximise our impact and drive meaningful change.
Product Design & Development
We specialise in designing and developing innovative products to understand human behaviour, such as our gamified gambling app used in a study on savings and expenditure patterns among young men in Kenya and Uganda.
Impact Policy
We ensure our findings reach policymakers and stakeholders to inform decision-making processes, as demonstrated by our study on the impacts of floods in Nairobi's Mukuru Viwandani slums, which provided crucial insights for disaster response and resilience-building efforts.
Real products. Real solutions.
Focus Areas
Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
We boost agricultural productivity and food security through sustainable farming and innovative technologies.
Education and Early Childhood Development
We improve education by expanding access and quality from early childhood to higher education.
Health: Maternal and Sexual Reproductive Health
We advance maternal and reproductive health by improving healthcare access and education.
WASH and Infrastructure
We improve public health and living conditions by enhancing water, sanitation, and infrastructure for better WASH practices.
Women’s Empowerment and Gender Development
We promote gender equality by empowering women through economic and leadership opportunities.
Climate Change, Energy and Environmental Sustainability
We address climate change by implementing sustainable practices and energy-efficient technologies.
Social Protection: Refugees and migration
We support vulnerable populations by designing social protection initiatives for refugees and migrants.
Workforce Development and Governance
We strengthen workforce skills and governance through targeted training and capacity-building.
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Changes in the study context when conducting population-based fieldwork are prone to several effects on the examiner’s role. These changes…